Tuesday, October 4, 2016

how i wear my hair

As I've mentioned, I use the no-poo method of washing my hair. For quite a while, I used baking soda with an apple cider vinegar rinse, but I've gradually moved away from the baking soda. I use ACV once a week or less, rinse with just water the rest of the time, and once a month I'll actually shampoo. The only reason I do that is because I use LUSH henna, and the stuff they put in with it, while good for your hair, is hard to get out.

But I've pretty much decided that when I run out of my current shipment of henna, which will probably be around the end of the year, I am going to stop using it (and therefore the shampoo) altogether. I like it and all, but it's a pain in the ass to apply, to wash out, and to maintain. Currently because I am using the Marron mixed with the Noir, my hair is a weird sort of ombre, almost black on the ends and then a medium auburn up closer to my head (and then, if I don't reapply in time, gray at the roots). On top of that, due to the way my hair grows, unless it's about a week after dyeing I look like I have a bald spot on the crown. I suspect that if a professional were doing it, they could find some way of minimizing that effect, but my husband is the one that applies it for me and he hasn't figured it out. It's not his fault but it means that I don't feel all that comfortable wearing my hair down, no matter how great the texture with the no-poo, because of the weird streakiness.

So I'm gonna let it go gray, at long last, I think. Well, not JUST gray. What I'll probably actually be doing is throwing some red/purple Koolaid in it when I do my ACV rinses. I'm probably also going to be cutting it a bit shorter while it grows out. Right now it's long layers, basically a long version of this shag haircut, which would look great if (again) I dared wear it down very often. I'll probably continue to use that method, just do it several inches shorter, which will have the dual affect of getting rid of the very dark ends plus, over time, having less of the old color. Then once it's all or mostly grown out I'll let it go longer again...and probably vary the Koolaid dyes so that it stays interesting.

This isn't the first time I've decided I was sick of dyeing my hair and decided to just go gray. The first time was in 2008, and I did it then by hacking all my hair off. My hair was naturally kind of a pewter at that point. The reason I stopped then was that people were treating me like I was in my 60's just on the basis of my hair color, and since I was in my 40's it really pissed me off, so in 2010 I gave up and started dyeing it again. Since then, there have been a few times when I've let it go for months at a time (most notably in 2013), but aside from that I've been pretty religious about keeping it dyed. But I think I'm ready to try again, and I'm pretty sure, based on the current roots, that it's lighter, maybe more of a "tarnished silver" than the sort of dark pewter it was before.

Anyway, as I say, currently I don't really feel comfy wearing my hair down because of the streakiness, so most days I put it up. I have various styles I like to use, but my favorite is a sock bun right at the crown. I make my own sock bun forms; I'm currently using a brown one, but obviously I'll have to change that when my hair color is no longer darkish.

I love flowers, and while I was in Massachusetts this past summer, buying some flowered headbands for my mom, I also bought myself a couple. Problem: I don't actually like headbands, I just like HAVING them, which I know is weird but there ya go. But I've discovered something really cool; you can put your hair up in a sock bun, and then take one of those flowered bands (they have to be the kind with at least a little elastic at the back, NOT all wire, obviously, and double it around the base of the bun. I actually got the idea for this because of the pieces I bought myself, which is all on wire, was a bun decoration that you were supposed to just put around a bun...and then I said, well hell, I can just do that with all of them!

So here's pics:

You can just SORT OF see the base of the bun there, so let me try to make it more obvious:

See? you just wrap the headband around and it looks great. I actually messed up a little bit and some of the flowers are tucked under the elastic in back, but since the bun isn't RIGHT on top of my head, probably nobody has noticed.

And that's how I wear my hair!